Leadership Development Consulting

Coaching to Develop the Leadership Road Map

To deliver value to customers and shareholders in this increasingly competitive environment, executives typically focus on the coming eighteen to thirty-six months. Planning for this timeframe is one approach leaders can use to think through the changes they want to initiate in that era and their own personal role in that change. The leadership road map is intended to translate what needs to be done by the company into what the executive needs to do to usefully lead the initiative.

VSATC’s coaching to the Executive Team is based on the following fundamental principles:

  • Each leader is unique, with different strengths and abilities. The goal is not to change the executive’s style, but to define and capitalize on strengths.
  • There are overarching high-priority issues – “A-items.” One of the first tasks is defining these A-items, outcomes, and plans to move the enterprise forward.
  • The style of the executive is the most important factor in determining how the plan should be put into effect.
  • There is a set of vital tools for the executive to employ. One of the most critical tools is the ability of the executive to ask the right questions in the right way.
  • Every era has a central theme that is embodied in the values of the executive and the top management team.

The Leadership Road Map for each executive is a personalized plan in the sense that it requires honest confrontation with the realities of the particular executive’s strengths and weaknesses, personal career aspirations, complementary skills in others above or below in the organization structure, and style of operating. The technical, managerial, and behavioral requirements of the position are shaped into time-phased plans that clarify the goals (A-items), and build on and shape the executive’s style. The goal is to increase personal effectiveness in leading this change. The plan sets specific goals, tasks, and review points to achieve the executive’s objectives within the timeframe he or she sets as critical.



We have enjoyed continued growth in scope and value since we began in 2000. Through the conduct of our business, we pledge to prudently define and implement our strategic goals and objectives to stimulate growth and sustain our competitive position in the project portfolio & management solutions marketplace.